Wednesday night has become blogging night - by chance not design. This week I'll suppress that part of my personality that causes me alphabetise CDs and give every blog topic a new post.
Last Friday I gatecrashed Suzy and Lee's (semi) regular weekly movie date (again). The film - Dan In Real Life.
Did I like it? Yes I did. I' not a particularly huge fan of Steve Carell, though I did like him in Little Miss Sunshine, and now also in this. Steve Carell falls into my Will Ferrell category, another actor I don't have a great deal of time for, but really enjoyed in Stranger Than Fiction. It's important to have categories - don't you think?
Sure, it's predictable and lightweight - but it was Friday afternoon so it's hard not to enjoy a movie.
The beast in this case being Connick (or should I say "Konnick"). I picked the kids up after work tonight and retraced his steps from last weeks shenanigans.
6.6 kms
Not bad for a lazy sod!
After 15 consecutive losses, and in the last game of the season - we recorded a win.
Actually, when I say in the last game, what I mean is, in relation to the last game. Because, you see, there was no game. I received a phone call from the southern hemishphere's largest skating rink to tell me that the opposition were, quite frankly, afraid to play us. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's what I was told. Almost certainly that may well have been a possible reason.
Whatever - we get the points.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Well, as it happens, I've done some work on the body, and also made the utility arms that live on what can best be described as his droidal chest. Originally I made these arms as surface details on the body, but then I decided to model them "properly" - just in case I ever try to animate the little feller.
I presume this gets faster and easier with practice - but I'm still waiting to experience that.
I presume this gets faster and easier with practice - but I'm still waiting to experience that.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What is a website without links?
I don't know, so I'd thought I'd add some. Well, one initially.
Basic Instructions is a very funny comic, created by a stand up comedian and updated about twice a week.
I printed off a selection and bound them into a book as a Christmas present for Danny - and he certainly pretended to appeciate it. And I certainly proved that not only am I incredibly "careful" with my money, but I also have an alarming diregard for the intellectual property of others.
If you only visit one website this year - make it my blog. But if you're not quite so time poor - get along to Basic Instructions
I don't know, so I'd thought I'd add some. Well, one initially.
Basic Instructions is a very funny comic, created by a stand up comedian and updated about twice a week.
I printed off a selection and bound them into a book as a Christmas present for Danny - and he certainly pretended to appeciate it. And I certainly proved that not only am I incredibly "careful" with my money, but I also have an alarming diregard for the intellectual property of others.
If you only visit one website this year - make it my blog. But if you're not quite so time poor - get along to Basic Instructions
What? Four posts in one night? I know - this man in a blogging machine. Yeah - I guess it would be good if he got a life. And he sure does write a lot of bollocks.
By the way Shez, as you've unwittingly become my most consistent commenter, I'll be mightily disappointed if I don't see four individual replies against these posts. Is my mighty disappointment something you really want on your conscience? I thought not.
So, I haven't finished either of the other books I have on the go - but I did start a new one last night. I can't provide a web link, because it's an unpublished manuscript - but it will be published. Oh yes. It will be published.
The author is a friend of mine, known only as H.M. Brown. Actually, that's not all she's known as, but that's what she writes on her manuscripts, so let's run with that. I've known the mysterious H.M. Brown for most of my life. She's the sort of family friend that I recall being genuinely suprised at some point in my childhood to find out that she's not a cousin or some other relation.
Anyway, she's the cleverest person I know - because she starts writing stuff ... and then she finishes it!!!!!!! I have always been aware that this sort of thing occurs, and I've certainly enjoyed the product of it on an atonishingly regular basis - but I have no idea how it happens, and I've never witnessed it from such close range. I myself have made numerous starts on writing projects over the years - but they never get far (and probably a bloody good thing to). (Honestly, can't I finish anything)
I've read 2 of her other unpublished books, and a couple of screenplays, but this particular book - Entitlement - is the dirtiest, filthiest, sexiest thing I've ever read. And that includes things beginning with "I always thought the letters to your magazine were made up. But the other night I was working back late in the office ..."
I've only read 8 pages, but it's aleady steamy as all get out (whatever that means). I can only read small sections at a time, because, quite frankly, I find it all just too arousing.
Anyway, as I said, this one will be published, so no doubt I'll be trying to convince everyone I know to buy a copy. In fact, you'll probably be able to buy a copy through me, for not much more than 15% more than anyone else might be selling them for.
Okay, at four posts, I think I'd best get me to bed. Thanks for your patience. No, really - thankyou.
By the way Shez, as you've unwittingly become my most consistent commenter, I'll be mightily disappointed if I don't see four individual replies against these posts. Is my mighty disappointment something you really want on your conscience? I thought not.
So, I haven't finished either of the other books I have on the go - but I did start a new one last night. I can't provide a web link, because it's an unpublished manuscript - but it will be published. Oh yes. It will be published.
The author is a friend of mine, known only as H.M. Brown. Actually, that's not all she's known as, but that's what she writes on her manuscripts, so let's run with that. I've known the mysterious H.M. Brown for most of my life. She's the sort of family friend that I recall being genuinely suprised at some point in my childhood to find out that she's not a cousin or some other relation.
Anyway, she's the cleverest person I know - because she starts writing stuff ... and then she finishes it!!!!!!! I have always been aware that this sort of thing occurs, and I've certainly enjoyed the product of it on an atonishingly regular basis - but I have no idea how it happens, and I've never witnessed it from such close range. I myself have made numerous starts on writing projects over the years - but they never get far (and probably a bloody good thing to). (Honestly, can't I finish anything)
I've read 2 of her other unpublished books, and a couple of screenplays, but this particular book - Entitlement - is the dirtiest, filthiest, sexiest thing I've ever read. And that includes things beginning with "I always thought the letters to your magazine were made up. But the other night I was working back late in the office ..."
I've only read 8 pages, but it's aleady steamy as all get out (whatever that means). I can only read small sections at a time, because, quite frankly, I find it all just too arousing.
Anyway, as I said, this one will be published, so no doubt I'll be trying to convince everyone I know to buy a copy. In fact, you'll probably be able to buy a copy through me, for not much more than 15% more than anyone else might be selling them for.
Okay, at four posts, I think I'd best get me to bed. Thanks for your patience. No, really - thankyou.
Yep, another new section to the blog. Maybe I should add one called "What am I actually getting around to finishing". Now that should make for a quick read.
So, I've already said that, prior to being gung-ho about blogging (and after being gung-ho about composting, which I haven't mentioned before, and which I'm actually still pretty obsessive with), I was gung-ho on trying to draw caricatures. I even posted some. And Lee accused me of showing off. And then Lee suggested I include more pictures with my blog entries. Fuck. It's no wonder I'm so riddled with "issues".
Hang on a minute. I don't like the term "gung-ho" - and yet I've used it 3 times in this post (well, actually 4 now), and twice in a previous post.
Anyway, between the caricature stage and the start of the blogging stage, I embarked on a bit of a coloured pencil portraits stage.
I did two, one of Jesamine, and one of Suzy with Connick, which I thought were okay (though I was about to post them here, and when I looked at them I decided they're a bit crap). Then I bought a really big bit of paper, which necessitated me making a really big drawing board, and started a new picture. Sort of a collage - of Jesamine and Connick in fancy dress. Jesamine was dressed as Hermione (from Harry Potter), and Connick was a Jack Sparrow inspired pirate. I created the design firstly as a Photoshop layout, and now I'm working from that. So far I'm happy with it - though with the amount of time I'm spending writing phrases like "gung-ho" willy nilly about the internet (damn, I've done it again), I'm not really spending enough time on it.
I spent today in Ringwood for meetings. I decided to make an early start this morning rather than stay over , as we had Danny and Jo over for a BBQ last night, and besides which I don't usually sleep well in motel rooms, so I thought an early start would be, if not desirable, at least less undesirable.
I didn't count on the traffic. One hour and twenty minutes along Stud Rd from the freeway to Ringwood. That's a distance of about 18kms.
So I didn't get the early start I'd hoped for, but that's entirely irrelevant to the story I aim to tell.
I had my phone off during the meetings, as any good employee should - so I was unaware of the following events until I was driving home. This is a true story . Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. But not very much, because I'm not sure anyone is sufficiently innocent to warrant substantial protection.
A lady I know, let's call her "Soozy", who is married to a charming and handsome young chap of about my general build and demeanour, and who works on Wednesdays - has a standing arrangement with her mother, let's call her "Jill", to pick up the kids from school on Wednesdays. Jill often takes the kids to Soozy's grandparents' house for a visit - which by all accounts is a lovely thing to do.
On this particular Wednesday, let's call it "tooday" - one of the children, a male child of 8 years with none of the personality traits of his charming and handsome father - let's call him "Konnick" - took umbrage at some perceived slight visited upon him by an undoubtedly well meaning senior citizen of direct lineage, and left in what can best be described as a "huff". Had this huff been combined with a puff, and had the aforementioned grandparents lived in a house of straw or twigs, then I shudder to think of how entirely catastrophic the situation may have become (by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin).
As circumstance would have it, the puff-less huff gave Konnick cause to desert the immediate vicinity in a manner rendering all attempts at subsequent location to be of no avail.
Quite the conundrum I'm sure you'll agree.
So, and this is a strange outworking of the tale which I'm yet to investigate further, Jill returned to her own domicile with the remaining child (let's call her "Jasmine" - everyone else does) in tow, to await Soozy's return from work. Upon arrival, Soozy was informed of the pariculars of Konnick's non-attendance, and panic, as I'm sure you have already surmised, ensued.
Calls were made to the local constabulary. Friends, Roman's and countrymen were enlisted to join the search. And I don't doubt there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Eventually, Konnick, employing a quite recent variation on Alexander Graham Bell's 1876 invention, made audible contact with Jill to advise that he was ensconced comfortably within his own abode.
So, a child too lazy to clean his bedroom, walked for 90mins, in the rain, in his socks, from one corner of town to the other, then climbed the balcony outside his parents bedroom, to find an unlocked door (if you're a burglar, rest assured it's usually locked ... to keep the crocodile from getting out and scrapping with the lion), and got inside.
The police apparently gave him a stern talking to, and Suzy (I mean "Soozy") made him ring all of those engaged in the search individually to apologise for the trouble he'd caused.
What a little bugger!!!
I didn't count on the traffic. One hour and twenty minutes along Stud Rd from the freeway to Ringwood. That's a distance of about 18kms.
So I didn't get the early start I'd hoped for, but that's entirely irrelevant to the story I aim to tell.
I had my phone off during the meetings, as any good employee should - so I was unaware of the following events until I was driving home. This is a true story . Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. But not very much, because I'm not sure anyone is sufficiently innocent to warrant substantial protection.
A lady I know, let's call her "Soozy", who is married to a charming and handsome young chap of about my general build and demeanour, and who works on Wednesdays - has a standing arrangement with her mother, let's call her "Jill", to pick up the kids from school on Wednesdays. Jill often takes the kids to Soozy's grandparents' house for a visit - which by all accounts is a lovely thing to do.
On this particular Wednesday, let's call it "tooday" - one of the children, a male child of 8 years with none of the personality traits of his charming and handsome father - let's call him "Konnick" - took umbrage at some perceived slight visited upon him by an undoubtedly well meaning senior citizen of direct lineage, and left in what can best be described as a "huff". Had this huff been combined with a puff, and had the aforementioned grandparents lived in a house of straw or twigs, then I shudder to think of how entirely catastrophic the situation may have become (by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin).
As circumstance would have it, the puff-less huff gave Konnick cause to desert the immediate vicinity in a manner rendering all attempts at subsequent location to be of no avail.
Quite the conundrum I'm sure you'll agree.
So, and this is a strange outworking of the tale which I'm yet to investigate further, Jill returned to her own domicile with the remaining child (let's call her "Jasmine" - everyone else does) in tow, to await Soozy's return from work. Upon arrival, Soozy was informed of the pariculars of Konnick's non-attendance, and panic, as I'm sure you have already surmised, ensued.
Calls were made to the local constabulary. Friends, Roman's and countrymen were enlisted to join the search. And I don't doubt there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Eventually, Konnick, employing a quite recent variation on Alexander Graham Bell's 1876 invention, made audible contact with Jill to advise that he was ensconced comfortably within his own abode.
So, a child too lazy to clean his bedroom, walked for 90mins, in the rain, in his socks, from one corner of town to the other, then climbed the balcony outside his parents bedroom, to find an unlocked door (if you're a burglar, rest assured it's usually locked ... to keep the crocodile from getting out and scrapping with the lion), and got inside.
The police apparently gave him a stern talking to, and Suzy (I mean "Soozy") made him ring all of those engaged in the search individually to apologise for the trouble he'd caused.
What a little bugger!!!
I really need to automate a post each Wednesday to remind the world that we keep losing.
7-10 this week, which was not a bad result, and this week I'm giving full credit for all 7 of our goals to JB. Just to prove that not only am I a prick, but I'm unstable and unpredictable. I'll also give myself some credit (yes, I know, it's been fully allocated, but ... whatever ...) because I scored two of our goals. Still, I couldn't have done it without JB cheering me along.
Last game next week before the finals. We could well be in a play-off yet for the wooden spoon.
I'll start a new post now. Stay tuned ...
7-10 this week, which was not a bad result, and this week I'm giving full credit for all 7 of our goals to JB. Just to prove that not only am I a prick, but I'm unstable and unpredictable. I'll also give myself some credit (yes, I know, it's been fully allocated, but ... whatever ...) because I scored two of our goals. Still, I couldn't have done it without JB cheering me along.
Last game next week before the finals. We could well be in a play-off yet for the wooden spoon.
I'll start a new post now. Stay tuned ...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Make that 14 Losses
FOB United - the rockin'est indoor soccer team to ever take to the southern hemisphere's largest skating rink (come on now, it's not the eighties anymore, where's the competition really?) went down again tonight - this time by 11-3 - with no goals to the valiant cap'n.
Still, it was against the top team, which means we lost last week by a greater margin to a lesser team - and therefore we were obviously a better team tonight - just not the better team.
I don't think there's been a season yet (and we've played a dozen or so) that we haven't somehow made the finals. I'll be interested to see how the stadium management work it to ensure we qualify this season.
Personally, I'm laying the blame entirely on JB for the loss. Not because he deserves it - just to reinforce my reputation as a bit of a prick. I think I'll lay secondary blame (and with the blame already laid entirely there's not much left) on my shoes - which are falling apart. Note to self - must buy new shoes. A bad workman always blames his tools - so I blame us for playing like tools!
Goodnight cruel world.
Still, it was against the top team, which means we lost last week by a greater margin to a lesser team - and therefore we were obviously a better team tonight - just not the better team.
I don't think there's been a season yet (and we've played a dozen or so) that we haven't somehow made the finals. I'll be interested to see how the stadium management work it to ensure we qualify this season.
Personally, I'm laying the blame entirely on JB for the loss. Not because he deserves it - just to reinforce my reputation as a bit of a prick. I think I'll lay secondary blame (and with the blame already laid entirely there's not much left) on my shoes - which are falling apart. Note to self - must buy new shoes. A bad workman always blames his tools - so I blame us for playing like tools!
Goodnight cruel world.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Suzy and I drove to Melbourne for an appointment yesterday (and I screamed at her, and she screamed at me, and Connick called on the mobile to ask for a Vegemite sandwich) so on the way home we stopped at Fountain Gate to see movie. And that movie was - Cloverfield. I read a review which described it as Godzilla meets the Blair Witch project. I can't do better than that, because that's exactly what it is. But, that's not to suggest that it's entirely derivative and worthless - at least not anymore-so than any other movie. I thought it was a great action pic, and I blame my headache on pre-existing conditions, not on the fact that the shooting is entirely hand-held (thus the Blair Witch comparison).
Anyway, we stopped again on the way home - this time in Morwell - for another movie. And that movie goes by the title "American Gangster". Again, a very good film. Am I just easy to please, or do I mostly see good movies?
This is more of a stock-standard gangster film. I'd call it well made, well acted, and generally robust. Not breaking any new ground, but a good movie nonetheless.
I'd certainly give both these movies some stars. Let's see now, I think 4 stars for Cloverfield and 3.1459 for American Gangster. That would be out of a possible 5 in case you're wondering.
Anyway, we stopped again on the way home - this time in Morwell - for another movie. And that movie goes by the title "American Gangster". Again, a very good film. Am I just easy to please, or do I mostly see good movies?
This is more of a stock-standard gangster film. I'd call it well made, well acted, and generally robust. Not breaking any new ground, but a good movie nonetheless.
I'd certainly give both these movies some stars. Let's see now, I think 4 stars for Cloverfield and 3.1459 for American Gangster. That would be out of a possible 5 in case you're wondering.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Welcome to a new section on my blog called "What am I modelling?".
Emphasis is important here. You can't read this as me being suprised to find myself in front of a camera - like "What? Am I modelling?".
One of my hobbies is 3D modelling, using the open source software blender ( This started with crazy scheme I embarked on last Christmas with the kids. To summarise a period of prolonged insanity, it went something like this:
1) Let's make a movie
2) Let's make it an animated movie
3) Butchers paper and post-it-notes stuck to kitchen wall for storyboarding
4) Trial various 2D cartoon software products
5) Trial various 3D software products
6) Puchase Poser for 3D animation
7) Start learning Poser
8) This is not easy, rendering times are horrendous, and modelling capability is limited - but it's good fun
9) Discover Blender - full-featured 3D with modelling, animation, compositing, game engine, fluid simulation - WOW!
10) Decide to build a 3D scanner to create models
11) Buy laser for scanner
12) Start writing software to capture laser traced images with webcam and convert into mesh data
13) Hmmm, this is harder than I thought
14) Butchers paper and post-it-notes removed from kitchen wall - it's no longer cute
15) Why would I build a scanner to convert models to meshes when I have no experience with creating real-world models anyway?
16) Movie seems like a distant memory
17) Start learning how to model in Blender ...
And here I am, modelling R2D2. Nerd? What nerd?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
FOB United - 13 Straight Losses
Wednesday nights are soccer nights for me - indoor soccer at Stadium 34 in Moe - and tonight we racked up our 13th straight loss for the season. This is from 14 games, and the team we beat in round 1 were relegated to second division. Methinks there's mis-grading afoot.
I think the score was in the vicinity of 13-3. At least I scored on of our three goals, which is not bad because for those who know me, as an athlete I make a great musician.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Connick's 8th Birthday
Connick Lewis turned 8 today, and we gave him 72 Derwent Artist pencils in a lovely wooden box. Lucky boy - my Derwents are only in a battered old tin that I've had for about 20 years (by which I mean the tin is dented, not that it's been rolled it in flour and egg for frying). Even my new Prismacolors are in a lesser quality case than Connick's new Derwents! Precision dovetailing, brass fittings, flawless finish - I've got case-envy.
The strange thing is - Connick asked for these in preference to a Nintendo DS. As far as I'm concerned no 8 year old has any right turning back a computer game for pencils.
We had the family over for a BBQ and a swim. The kids' party is on Saturday - but I won't say where in case Corey from Narre Warren has a younger brother on the prowl.
Anyway, since Lee accused me of substandard blogging by virtue of not having sufficient pictographic accompaniment, I thought I'd attach some of my favourite Connick pictures to celebrate his birthday.
The strange thing is - Connick asked for these in preference to a Nintendo DS. As far as I'm concerned no 8 year old has any right turning back a computer game for pencils.
We had the family over for a BBQ and a swim. The kids' party is on Saturday - but I won't say where in case Corey from Narre Warren has a younger brother on the prowl.
Anyway, since Lee accused me of substandard blogging by virtue of not having sufficient pictographic accompaniment, I thought I'd attach some of my favourite Connick pictures to celebrate his birthday.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Love My Way - We made it!
Suzy and I sat doen last night after Ross Noble and made another attempt on Love My Way episode 8 - and we got through it! And finished the series (10 episodes).
Actually, I finished the series - Suzy fell asleep.
I had no intention of watching this show - but initially Suzy put it on in the bedroom while I was reading, and it gradually stole my attention. It really is good, but very hard going. Particularly if you have kids.
Actually, I finished the series - Suzy fell asleep.
I had no intention of watching this show - but initially Suzy put it on in the bedroom while I was reading, and it gradually stole my attention. It really is good, but very hard going. Particularly if you have kids.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Ross Noble
Just got back from seeing Ross Noble at the Traralgon theatre. Hilariously funny, as always, and totally unscripted, as always.
One pissed guy left in the first half - because "it's shit", but then, somewhat curiously, elected to return for the second half and heckle throughout. Not witty heckling - hell, not even relevant heckling. Just pissed heckling. Anyway, he was escorted out of the theatre by some likely lads in black t-shirts - to much cheering from the assembled masses.
I won't attempt to describe any of the show, because that's never going to work - but I will award it a veritable galaxy of the brightest and shiniest of stars. And I'm sure the honourable Mr Noble would be thrilled to know that I'm awarding his show as such.
We might now make another attempt on episode 8 of Love My Way. Wish me luck.
One pissed guy left in the first half - because "it's shit", but then, somewhat curiously, elected to return for the second half and heckle throughout. Not witty heckling - hell, not even relevant heckling. Just pissed heckling. Anyway, he was escorted out of the theatre by some likely lads in black t-shirts - to much cheering from the assembled masses.
I won't attempt to describe any of the show, because that's never going to work - but I will award it a veritable galaxy of the brightest and shiniest of stars. And I'm sure the honourable Mr Noble would be thrilled to know that I'm awarding his show as such.
We might now make another attempt on episode 8 of Love My Way. Wish me luck.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Juno what? I saw a movie today.
Bugger - Lee has beaten me to blogger with today's news. Obviously nervous at the prospect of losing her fanbase.
With my two courtesy tickets in hand, I crashed Suzy and Lee's Friday movie and subsequent lunch. The film was Juno, and it was really good. It had something of the feel of a feature length Gilmour Girls, except that I wouldn't care too much for a feature length Gilmour Girls - so perhaps not so much. Dialogue was excellent, characters were excellent, soundtrack was quirky and eminently suitable to the type of film. I give it numerous stars - Margaret?
Suzy and I also sat down tonight to finish watching the first series of Love My Way, which we started watching a week or so ago on DVD. Suzy watched a few episodes while I was staying in Melbourne this week, but came unstuck at episode eight and had too turn it off. After catching up on the episodes I'd missed, we got to episode 8, and it's just too bloody much for me too. There's drama and there's drama - and then there's episode 8 of Love My Way. In one episode the series has moved from something akin to Secret Life of Us to something which ... well ... I haven't typed Spoiler Alert in the heading so you'll have to watch yourself - if you can!
Nighty night.
With my two courtesy tickets in hand, I crashed Suzy and Lee's Friday movie and subsequent lunch. The film was Juno, and it was really good. It had something of the feel of a feature length Gilmour Girls, except that I wouldn't care too much for a feature length Gilmour Girls - so perhaps not so much. Dialogue was excellent, characters were excellent, soundtrack was quirky and eminently suitable to the type of film. I give it numerous stars - Margaret?
Suzy and I also sat down tonight to finish watching the first series of Love My Way, which we started watching a week or so ago on DVD. Suzy watched a few episodes while I was staying in Melbourne this week, but came unstuck at episode eight and had too turn it off. After catching up on the episodes I'd missed, we got to episode 8, and it's just too bloody much for me too. There's drama and there's drama - and then there's episode 8 of Love My Way. In one episode the series has moved from something akin to Secret Life of Us to something which ... well ... I haven't typed Spoiler Alert in the heading so you'll have to watch yourself - if you can!
Nighty night.
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