Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, it has finally happened. My gob has been well and truly smacked. My foundation is dumb. There is gast in my flabber, and my oxen are flumm.

Driving to work this morning, I heard on the local ABC radio that the mortality rate for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is 3 times the national average.

Now, if I assume that these folk are ALL mortal (which I'd have thought a fair assumption) then it follows that something more than 2 thirds of non-indigenous Australians are immortal!!!!!

How the flipping-billy-o did this little nugget slip by me for 37 years?

So don't slip into that mid-life crises just yet my fine friends. Chances are you've only lived an infintely small percentage of your eternal life.

Incidentally, I returned to the plastic surface Wednesday night for another inddor soccer win. Unfortunately I "done" my ankle yet again early in the game, and it's currently swollen and bruised (again). On a poisitive note, not only did I manage to score a goal before the injury, but I moved into goals for the second half of the game and saved two penalties! No, I don't think you're quite grasping the magnitude of this. Remember that it's really hard to save a penalty. And remember also that I lack co-ordination, but have a finely honed sense of danger and the only reflex I possess is the "flinch". This is truly "big news". Possibly bigger than the news that two of your three best friends are immortal