I really should just allow this blog the death that it deserves, but every so often I do something that I'm a little bit proud of and I can't help showing off.
What am I proud of? (I hear you ask)
Why, my new drawings of course.
Please would you peel back your eyelids and feast your peepers on these little jim-dandies that fell from my leaden pencil in recent days.
First up, that inimitable radio duo. The one with dreamy eyes, the other with a dreamy girlfriend.
Hamish Blake and Andy Lee ...
And while I've got you feasting - snack upon this tasty morsel of reality cheffery. With the magic of digital technology I have combined some spanking new caricatures of the toad like Gary and the Charlie Brown-esque George with my previous effort at the cravatted Matt Preston. And so I give you - Masterchef.
That will be all. Return to your goings about.