Sunday, May 18, 2008


The FOB United dream run has come to an end. We went down by 1 goal last Wednesday.

The Gems nightmare run has also come to an end. To clarify, this is Suzy's Thursday night netball, not Jesamine's Saturday morning netball - both teams are called the Gems. Two whole seasons without a win, and finally they won 29-23. Better than Jesamine's Gems on Saturday, who lost 23-3.

The era of Jesamine not having a blog has also come to an end. Might I suggest you make your virtual way to Fabulous Jesamine 3 to check it out.

The era of the kids not both doing Auskick on a Sunday morning has come to an end - as has the era of me sleeping in on a Sunday.

One era that hasn't come to an end is me losing at Puerto Rico. We has another Puerto Rico night with Lee and Brian on Friday night, but I lost again. I did roll the highest number to start the game again though - which is rather curiously emerging as quite a hidden talent of mine.


I have finished Billy Bathgate. It was a struggle at the beginning, because the first full-stop didn't appear until half-way down the first page. I don't mind writers taking liberties with grammar - broken sentences are often a great way to establish tempo. In this case I found the sentence structure was often detracting from the story.

This comes from the perspective of an auditory reader - meaning that I hear the words in my head (and sometimes in the voice of Fred Flintstone - which is a whole other issue). The writing may serve very well for people who "process" written information in other ways.

Billy Bathgate is a story of a young boy becoming a gangster. I know that I saw the movie many years ago - but I can remember nothing of it.

Anyway, I'd call it a good book, even a very good book - but not a great book.

Since then I read Chocky, by John Wyndham. I love John Wyndham's writing - and I'm always amazed at just how much story he's able to build into pretty short books, and without them feeling dense.

Chocky is a voice within the head of a young boy, and it's hard to say much more without spoiling the plot.
I'd have to say I hate the name though.

I'm now onto another John Wyndham - The Kraken Wakes.


I'm somewhat enamoured with the number Pi (3.14 etc). I even have the Pi symbol on the back of my soccer shirt.

Most people know that Pi is believed to have an infinite number of decimal places, with no repetition. What I've never understood, however, is how people go about calculating Pi to a given precision. So, I've decided to find out. Call it my personal challenge. I'll blog about the answer when I find it.


I can't remember if I mentioned, but we sold that kids play set they I spent so long assembling a few weeks back. We also sold the kids old swing set to someone else who called about the ad in the paper after it was sold.

1 comment:

Sherryll said...

great news on the sales :)